Sustainable leadership for women

02 October 2018
This event is ended

You are professional and persistent, diligent and driven, but now you feel blocked. Would you like to overcome what holds you back, so you can feel free to go for your full potential with ease and joy?

As a woman who wants to move ahead, you have a lot of obstacles to overcome: gender bias against you, the home front that needs you, the glass ceiling, to name just a few. But often a woman’s biggest obstacle is her own mindset. Fear of failure, lack of confidence or self-esteem, self-doubt or self-sabotage…all the ways a woman holds herself back is what I call the inner glass ceiling.

Join this four-part workshop if you want to be a leader in every field of your life, while being true to the woman you are. Master the subconscious ‘programs’ that pull you down, and shed the thought patterns that keep you there.

You will learn how to:

-stop feeling fragile, insecure, or inadequate

-naturally feel respected and appreciated

-transform that which overwhelms you into positive energy

-feel great in your body

-rally support for your feminine qualities


Session 1: The little-known science behind strong and secure self-esteem for women.

Self-esteem refers to how positively you regard yourself, how much you love yourself. A whole body of research shows that women, more than men, struggle with lack of self-esteem. As a result they often hold themselves back. Unnecessarily so, as you will find during this workshop. In an interactive and fun way, you will learn why self-esteem is different for women and men, and how to boost yours.



